
Friday, July 4, 2014

I Hear You!

In the last article I mentioned the great efficacy of contemplating a virtue and that when practiced repeatedly over many days for a particular virtue that very great and permanent benefits can be gained.

To me, meditation is a “Yoga” and there are perhaps many different Yogas within the domain of silent meditation. Yoga means to “Yoke” oneself to something. In the practices that I’m speaking about we are yoking ourselves to various elements of the purely spiritual world in order to increase and magnify within our personal worlds whatever benefit those spiritual sources have to offer.

What if we shift to yoking our attention to an exalted spiritual being? There are a couple of ways to get started with this.

One way is to simply choose a spiritual Master, preferably one who is ascended and no longer in embodiment and to form a mental image of that one while in silent, eyes-closed meditation and to simply hold the image steady and gaze upon it. If your mental or emotional bodies are misbehaving you may struggle with seeing this image morph into other forms. This is a form of wandering mind and can be overcome by a combination of gently reconstructing the image of your Master and also sending a feeling of love and gratitude to that actual Master and reinforcing for some time this feeling within you of loving this elder brother or sister. I’ve found that using positive emotions such as love and gratitude and centering/holding my attention upon these feelings can really help to stabilize a connection that I’m building with a spiritual being.

Once this connection is stabilized and you have some momentum at this practice you will begin to experience some amazing things. New ideas will come to you, apparently from within your own being which is not the result of a wandering mind. This is how telepathy begins. When you really are absorbed in the feeling experience of loving your Master and gazing upon that one, but you begin to simultaneously see, on another level, visions or iconic information, this is how telepathy works.

I choose to observe this info and act upon it without mental analysis and I’d encourage you to consider doing this also. If you begin to analyze what you are receiving, comparing it to what you “know”, you will be “lowering” (in frequency) the locus of your attention which will cause the quality or even the authenticity of the communication to degrade rapidly. This is because the mental body is inherently lower in frequency than the meeting ground where we successfully conduct such “meetings”. I found it best to write down my experiences after the meditation was over and to ponder things then—rather than analyze the info during the experience.

Obviously, if you feel that you are receiving instructions to do something which is against your values then it may be that you are receiving something from lower frequency regions and you should not act upon them. The key here is the feeling that accompanies what you receive. When you are receiving something that is from heavenly sources it will impart a very positive feeling to you and there is a buoyant impression of light and happiness. Ponder it all as you write it down later and you will know the truth of things.

What I tend to receive during these sessions is suggestions for new avenues of mastering or healing myself and ideas for doing good works. Basically, everything I’ve learned that I’m blogging about here was received in this way and then practiced and developed later. I would suggest keeping to yourself what you receive and to consider it “for you”. You can avoid lots of potential traps involving your ego or perhaps inadvertently misleading others or creating karma for yourself if you keep what you receive between you and your teacher.

Another way to approach this is to choose something that you’d like to improve at or learn, spiritually-speaking. Raise yourself up in your meditation first by simply loving God and all creation and quieting all the elements of your being. Then make the request to be tutored on the topic you’ve chosen. Then wait quietly with no other thoughts. Emanate gratitude for what you anticipate receiving.

For the most part I do not actually see human forms when beings of light come to instruct me. I am working with them in a formless realm of pure spirit. It may be very different for you. I do see energy, motion, color patterns and iconic or archetypal imagery which are the basic way of telepathic communication. I usually do not ask “who is this?” that is teaching me—preferring to focus all of my attention upon being an efficient receiver. But essentially the experience is the same as the one above. You have attracted to yourself a light-being who comes and spends time with you in a very beautiful type of communion, teaching you as an elder brother or sister would.

I think this activity can best be described as “listening”. It works best when we practice being good listeners.

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