
Friday, July 4, 2014

I AM Changing….

An important skill to cultivate in meditation is the ability to deftly and consciously Accept the spiritual radiation offered from divine sources and to Accept the change that it brings within you.

In addition to the guidance and inspiration that you can receive by meditating with a spiritual Master you will soon begin to realize another benefit. With each repeated session of meditating with your Master you will from time to time notice that you feel very refreshed afterwards. Perhaps you’ll notice a “lightness” or pleasant swelling or spinning sensation in your head and heart area. It makes you feel happy and you find yourself confident and free from fear or worry.  This is the result of the Master’s radiation of pure electronic Light into your aura. This electronic Light can have a profound effect upon the purity of your aura and the clarity of your emotions and thought.  It could be likened to a stream of pure water pouring into a cup of muddy water.  After a little while the mud has been flushed out and only pure water remains.

The effects of this purifying radiation often last for the rest of the day and can really make a difference in your overall happiness and spiritual wellbeing.  But beyond the relatively short term effects, this solar radiation, when imbibed with the intent to “become” that light and to “change me” to permanently be more and more like that Master, affects permanent change in you. The conscious intent and repetition are the keys.

The conscious intent and repetition are the keys. It was not a mistake that I repeated that last sentence. It is very easy to drink water from a glass in a passive or thoughtless way.  And, it is very easy to just “try” things like this a few times and then move on to something else.  But there is a monumental difference between imbibing something good for you and in imbibing it with the persistent thought and feeling of the good effects you desire and expect from it. And there is also a very strong cumulative effect upon you when you practice a particular spiritual exercise every day for at least 2 weeks.

If you eat a vitamin and you contemplate and accept the good, permanent, health-giving effects it will bring to you, I believe that you will multiply the good effects of that vitamin by a startling amount. Likewise, if you drink in the beautiful radiation of a spiritual Master and hold the persistent thought and feeling that it is “changing me permanently”, then your repeated practice of this yoga will indeed change you over time in very noticeable ways. Try this every day for two weeks and take note of the stupendous changes that happened to you. Perhaps consider keeping a journal of your experiences while practicing this.

Another aspect of this is in learning to accept in a tactile way. It’s like closing a circuit so that something flows—and feeling the currents flowing. A baby bird who opens her mouth and accepts food from her mother has a definite, tactile feeling of accepting the food, right?  Ponder this and learn to “do it”. When consciously accepting, the way I start out is by pressing out with a ray of love and gratitude to the Master from my heart which I can both see and feel. Immediately, I feel a return current like a fire hose of delightful radiant light energy pouring into my being. And as I persist at holding this circuit open with my attention and gratitude, the fire hose continues to shower my being.  So, in my experience it is something more than briefly and simply thinking or saying “I accept”. A rhythmic and persistent flowing of gratitude over this ray of my attention keeps the line open for a stupendous shower of light. Try doing this every day for at least two weeks and really try to feel it. Perhaps commit to yourself that you will persist in this meditation each day “until you can feel it”. This strategy brought me rapid results.

Try it with different Masters. Try it with the sun or a star. Try it with your own divine self. Try to feel the qualitative and quantitative differences between these different sources. Conscious intent and repetition (practice) are the keys.

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